Economics is the base and politics the concentrated expression of economics. 经济是基础,政治则是经济的集中表现。
Concurrent engineering is an integrated, coordinated the design of the products of systematic work, and parallel product development process is systematic work of the concentrated expression of ways. 并行工程是集成地、协同地设计产品的系统化工作方式,而产品并行开发过程是系统化工作方式的集中体现。
It is the concentrated expression of group psychology. 它是群体心理的集中反映。
Design of class teaching is a concentrated expression of teaching art and directly influences the teaching quality. 课堂教学设计是教学艺术的集中表现,教学设计的成败将直接影响到的教学质量。
In Qin Zhen creations, expressing the living experience by implication ways, is a customary manner, this concentrated expression in her landscape, still lives pictures. 在秦蓁的创作中,采用寓意的方式表达生存体验,是一种惯用的方式,这集中表现在她的风景画、静物画中。
The concentrated expression of parking difficult problem in cities is construction and management of public parking lot. 城市停车难问题集中表现在城市公共停车场建设和管理问题上。
Li Yu word mining opera has a profound aesthetic significance, it is the concentrated expression of the deep meaning of the word shallow popular beauty and sharp new image plane interesting beauty. 李渔戏曲的词采具有深刻的美学意义,它集中表现为意深词浅的通俗美和机趣尖新的形象美。
Politics is the concentrated expression of economics, Economic benefit is the focus of all political conflicts, Economic benefit is the ultimate goal of all political struggle. 政治是经济的集中表现,经济利益是一切政治矛盾的焦点,是一切政治斗争的最终目的。
However, the latest Japanese, Korean style here can be the most concentrated expression. 不过最新的日、韩国风格这里可以得到最集中的体现。
The cultural soft power is the concentrated expression of a country's comprehensive national strength, which has become an important factor of the country's core competitiveness. 文化软实力是一个国家综合国力的集中体现,已成为国家核心竞争力的重要组成部分。
Balance and imbalance is a dialectical unity, the overall balance of scientific development concept is the concentrated expression and development; 平衡与不平衡是辨证的统一,科学发展观是综合平衡论的集中体现和发展;
It is the concentrated expression of the Chinese tradition of legal system and the modern culture. 它是中国法制传统与后现代法文化相融合的集中表现。
Performance in the construction field, a typical and concentrated expression of globalization is the architecture culture internationalization and urban construction space become a convergence patterns. 表现在建筑领域,全球化的一个典型和集中的表现就是建筑文化的国际化和城市空间、形态的趋同现象。
The city is a symbol of modern civilization, which is a concentrated expression of the comprehensive strength of a country and the management ability and competitiveness of the government. 城市是现代文明的标志,集中体现了国家的综合实力、政府管理能力和竞争力。
Computer control is a concentrated expression of the modern greenhouse technology. 计算机控制是现代化温室控制技术的集中体现,在北方冬季干寒地区研究推广自动控制温室具有重要意义。
While the Games in the enterprise sports important component and the concentrated expression. 而运动会则是企业体育的重要组成部分和集中表现。
It is proven in the history that the development of cities is the most important carrier and the most concentrated expression of the modernization process. 世界历史发展证明,城市的发展是现代化进程的最重要的载体和最集中的表现。
It is considered to be the most concentrated expression of the adversarial trial mode. 它被认为最集中地体现了对抗制庭审模式的特征。
Operating efficiency is the concentrated expression of insurance companies 'competitiveness and overall strength. 而经营效率是寿险公司竞争力和综合实力的集中体现,因此,对寿险公司的经营效率进行研究具有重要意义。
University logo is not only a concentrated expression of the image of a university, but also the cohesion and carrier of its spirit, history and culture. 大学标志是一所大学整体形象的浓缩和集中体现,也是一所大学的精神、历史与文化的凝聚和载体。
The Chinese social effect has many hidden trouble. Concentrated expression in the overall damage to legal connotation. 中国式的社会效果有着诸多的隐患,集中表现在对法治内涵的整体破坏。
The city is the human culture, is the concentrated expression of human civilization. 城市是人类文化的中心,是人类文明的集中体现。
With the development of social and the progress of human civilization at the same time, global ecological crisis has become increasingly deepen, concentrated expression in population growth rates too fast and resource exhausting and ecological environment gradually deterioration. 在社会发展和人类文明进步的同时,全球性的生态危机也日趋加深,集中表现在人口数量太多和增长速度过快、资源日益枯竭和生态环境逐步恶化等。
The quality of teaching is one of the core issues in higher education research, and also a concentrated expression of school running level and colleges and universities competitiveness. 教学质量是我国高等教育研究的核心问题之一,也是高等学校办学水平和竞争力的集中体现。
Scene design constitutes an important part of the animation composition, and also a concentrated expression to its style. 场景设计是动画作品构成中重要的组成部分,也是动画风格的集中体现。
Tang Dynasty murals of Dunhuang Dunhuang was a concentrated expression of the essence of art. 唐代敦煌壁画则集中体现了敦煌艺术的精髓。
Especially in Fugue, the concentrated expression is the application of the Fugue. 尤其是在复调技法方面,最集中的体现是在赋格的应用上。
The economic base determines the superstructure, and politics is the concentrated expression of economics. 经济基础决定上层建筑,政治是经济的集中表现。
Lenin also suggested that politics is the concentrated expression of economics. 列宁也提出,政治是经济的集中表现。
Cynicism concentrated expression in the anti-intellectual, anti-order, and anti-tradition areas. 犬儒主义集中表现在反知识、反秩序、反传统等方面。